04 June 2012

It's Okay--I Love You Anyway

Good morning from Washington!

Things you should know:
~ My new companion is Sister Stumpf from Indianapolis, Indiana. One hundred points to Gryffindor! (Mother's note: Carly was born and raised in Indianapolis until we moved to Florida when she was eight.) Also, she's been out not quite four months yet. She's a delightful soul.
~ I had one of the best meals of my life this week. Imagine it with me: spare ribs baked into a beautiful lasagna. Tons of cheese layered on top. If my stomach were capable of singing with pure joy, it would have. Cue the inflation of my waistline. Uh-oh; yep, there it is.
~ Feel-good moment of the week: yesterday. Early evening. Just before dinnertime. We don't have a scheduled dinner, so we're seeking out people on our ward list who we've never seen at church/we know nothing about. Sometimes these visits yield a chunkload of people who are annoyed to see you/are irritated with the general idea that you're cuttin' into their sittin'-around time. BUT, there are times when we find gems. Sis. Stumpf, recognizing that we're both tired and hungry, says, "Let's go find one more and then we'll go back to the apartment for dinner." Done! Don't worry that we show up to the home of a fiery red-headed woman (who, scarily, reminds me of my high school history teacher) who greets us with open arms and invites us into her home. It turns out that this lady hasn't been to church in 36 years, but wants to get back both for herself and to set a good example to her son, who's struggling right now. She wants to know what she should wear to church and what time it starts. And if we can set her up with the bishop and the women's group, so she can feel less awkward about not knowing anyone.

Sigh of relief at the tender experiences we have when we go just one. more. step.

All this woman was waiting for was someone to show up at her house and tell her how to get started. Coming back to something you know you should've been going to all along can be completely intimidating, even paralyzing. I'm thankful to be the person who says, "It doesn't matter how long you've been away. Just show up. People will love you."

Yes, I believe my Church and the Gospel is true. But I also believe that the Church wouldn't be half as wonderful as it is without the people who enrich it. That I get to go out and find those people? "Blessing" is really the only way I can describe it. "Humbled" works, too.

Sometimes, just before I fall asleep, I think not only about all the wonderful people I work with throughout the days, but I also think of you people. You can't give me physical hugs from across the country, but I feel your support and I know that you're there. You're such a large part of what keeps me moving forward. Not just "enduring," but enjoying.

And isn't that what life is for?

Enjoy today. Smile. And thank God for every opportunity you get to say, "It's okay. I love you anyway."

All my love,
Sister GP

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