04 January 2012

New Year's Salutations

Dear family, friends, and blog stalkers,
New year's salutations!! Once upon a two days ago, Sister Hone and I had a New Years Eve date at Alfy's Pizza (where I tried with all my might to tear my eyes away from the Virginia-Auburn game). We stuffed ourselves full of foul-smelling, but heavenly tasting carbs, went home to down 2 bottles of sparkling grape juice, and were promptly in bed by 10:30. Oh hello, geriatric partying.
I want to start off the real portion of this week's letter by giving shoutouts to all of those who've written me in the last 3 weeks. I called you task my first week in the MTC and y'all responded! Bless you. Being away from home for Christmas for the first time was tough, but it was for a good cause so I couldn't ever get into a funk about it. I have the rest of my life to be with the people I love during the holidays, missing 2 Christmases won't kill me - unless an errant egg nog truck runs me over.
In hilarious/ridiculous people news, people are fools for the Seahawks here. Knock on my door during a 'Hawks game? Punishable by death. Get a DVR and get over it, people. I'm not here to ruin your life or cut into your sittin' around time - I'm here to brighten your day and tell you God loves you. Perspective, people, perspective.
In sickest thing I've ever eaten news, pickled green beans. Stop. The only thing that should be pickled are cucumbers in the process of becoming pickles. I ate one and then, yikes, get that nasty jar away from me, please.
In other foodstuffs news, my plan to not gain 100 lbs on this mission is in full swing and working! Did I tell the people of blogspot that Sis. Hone and I are working for our biceps at the Gold's Gym 1.5 blocks from our apartment? Well, we are. Every morning we get up at the crack of early, wipe down all the cardio machines, and then get our fitness on for 25 minutes. We alternate between cardio and...wait for it...weightlifting. I will preface this story by saying that 5 years ago if you saw my attempt at bench pressing anything, you would've laughed yourself into a stupor. The words "juvenile" and "embarrassing" come to mind. Anywho, I would like to note that I am now benching 45 lbs (start small, ok?), 12 times in a row, like it's nothing. Basically, I'm going to look like Gillian Michaels when this is all said and done. Watch out, world!
As always, I love the work. People are frustrating and lazy and grouchy and all kinds of negative adjectives, but I keep my chin up. My mother will be proud to know that last week I raked leaves laden with horse manure...and felt pretty cathartic upon completion. The bottom of my sneakers were covered in feces and I was happier than when I started. Change from the "please, don't dirty my hands" jerk I was 2 months ago? Big, HUGE. I love it.
Here's my final lesson learned: even if people don't understand why I'm here doing what I'm doing, that's ok. I'm realizing for the first time in my life that I know what I'm doing is right, and that's really all that matters. It has little to do with the technicalties of Mormonism and everything to do with love. I'm here to show my love to God by showing love to others, no matter what. I'm here to communicate God's love for His children, even if they could care less. I'm here to show my love to my friends and family for nurturing my spirituality and supporting my opportunity to serve. Love, people. That's what all this is about. It's a pretty awesome perspective with which to start off the new year, eh?
Final thought: holy pregnancies in my family! Jess and Chels at the same time? I love it. What I do not love is the fact that I'm going to miss the first year of both of those little nuggets' lives. Send me an obnoxious amount of pictures.
i love you guys. keep living the dream.
sister g.

1 comment:

  1. Simply AMAZING !!! We're so proud of you and we all are praying for you and love you!! Also, you're so right on about what matters most is YOU know you're on the right path. May God continue to richly bless you !! I can't wait for your next blog! :)


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