19 March 2012

Things Can Always Be Worse


Gather 'round and I'll tell you a story about how when you think times are trying, there's just another challenge around the corner. As last week's issues were clearing up, I got sick on Tuesday--sinus congestion to the max. As soon as I called our mission president's wife, she says, "Ooooohhhh, you've got it, too!" Greeeaaattt. Pass the tissues, lozenges, and decongestant meds, please.

Basically, the sickness lasted until Friday when I just couldn't take it anymore and had to flee the house...with Sister Anderson, of course. Slowly but surely I'm feeling better, though the throat is still scratchy and the nose runs from time to time. Fact: being sick on a mission has absolutely no rewards, other than maybe some extra sleep. No TV. No computer. No awful Lifetime made-for-TV movies that star Angela Lansbury and make you feel all warm and gooey about going through menopause. NONE OF IT! I read a chunk of the Old Testament, blew my nose 1356 times, tried to sleep on our smelly couch, and thought about the meaning of why we have eyebrows.

ANYWAY, enough about being sick. Life goes on and my immune system keeps on truckin'.

This week's highlights:
~ One of our investigators, whom I literally thought might be dead, appeared at church! Welcome back to the land of the living, brother!
~ Another lesser-active woman came to church for the second week in a row AND is contemplating leaving her verbally-abusive husband. Her grown kids also live with her and it's just not a healthy situation. I love it when the Gospel resolves situations temporally AND spiritually.
~ I had corned beef and cabbage thrice this week. Everyone gets real excited about St. Patrick's Day around here. (They love all the green? You know, Washington? Greenery? Terrible jokes? Yes.) Conclusion: that meal will set your intestines free. Use caution.
~ An investigator who Sis. Hone, along with her previous companion Sis. Saxton, taught also came back out of nowhere last week. Only, this one came back from...JAIL! Are we going to teach this person and love him and provide him every means to become a contributing member of society again? You bet your sweet set of scriptures, we are! (Don't worry, Mom--strong dudes accompany us to every meeting.)

This last instance leads me to this week's thought: God DOES NOT hold onto past indiscretions if we don't. If we move on, doing ALL we can to make it right, He will not only forgive, He'll remember our wrongs no more. I feel like our tendency as human beings is to remember, and to hold on for dear life, to our mistakes and the mistakes of everyone else. This isn't God's way. I know there's a reason we remember our own mistakes: so we learn from them and move forward. But remembering the ills of everyone else? Continuing to hold them accountable for mistakes already repented of? Let it go! Christ's Atonement wasn't just an event that occurred thousands of years ago and "isn't it a nice favor Jesus did for us?" No way! The Atonement is a living, relevant blessing, no, an investment in us. It's His way of telling us, "You don't have to hold on to this. I already paid the price." Let it go? Of course we can. Every single day. Moving forward and leaving what's passed in the past.

I love you people a lot. A lot a lot. Be wonderful. Appreciate the sun. Love your family. Love everyone, really.

With so much love,
Sister GP

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