24 January 2012

Snow, Attitude, Happiness

Dear people I love and other blog stalkers,
I'll be frank - last week was rough. It snowed basically every single day and we ended up with nearly two feet of snow. Many families in our ward were either snowed in or lost power for days. For the safety of the missionaries, Pres. Wilson asked that we not drive on un-plowed roads. Guess how efficient Granite Falls is at plowing roads that haven't received that much snow since the '60s. If you guessed, "not at all, duh," you're correct.
So many people called to make sure we had power and food. By day 3 I was tempted to respond, "we have no food and Sister Hone is looking at me Donner Party Style." My mother will be relieved to know I refrained.
Enough of that nonsense, let's talk about happiness.
In hilarious happenings this week:
A 4 year old brother and an 8 year old sister are play-fighting after dinner, when suddenly we hear tiny fist hit tiny face. Don't worry, the brother punched the sister and knocked out one of her baby teeth. Sis. Hone and I laughed for literal minutes.
Transfers are this week, and as I type Sis. Hone gets a text and tells me that neither of us are leaving G.F. for the next six weeks. REJOICE!! I love this area and these people too much to leave now. At the end of this new transfer, Sis. Hone will have been here six months. If I can follow in those footsteps, I'll be a happy woman.
I interrupt this message to share a message of happy birthday wishes to my Aunt Jane. :)
Oh! This week our ward got a senior missionary couple added to the mix! Elder and Sister Hunter - from eastern Idaho - 6 grown kids - both lifetime employees of the education system. They are tops and basically feel like our grandma and grandpa.
You might chuckle to know that during our interviews this week with Pres. and Sis. Wilson, Pres. Wilson asked Sis. Hone, "how is Sister Goodpaster? She seems...intense." Sis. Hone said she laughed and told him, "no. not at all. she's goofy and she laughs a lot." Just think about me for a hot second. Then think about the word "intense." And just...just...I don't know.,.laugh because the only time I'm intense is when I'm lifting weights at the gym. (p.s. bench press goes up to 55 lbs this week. Pray for my string bean biceps).
Here's the good word: your attitude is everything. If my attitude walking out my door every morning is that people think I'm an annoying religion-monger, then that's what I'll be. If I walk out that same door trusting God to put us in the path of those that need my help, people that are happy to see me, then THAT is what I'll find. Amazing results here. Oh, you aren't interested in my religion? Well, you're about to laugh at my joke. There's always some way to leave people happier than you found them. Missionary success is not measured in conversions and quotas. Rather, it is measured in good intentions and joy. My intent is for everyone I meet to think, "I am happier now, even just a bit, than I was before I talked to that girl." Think about Christ. Not everyone agreed with his teachings, nor did they follow them. BUT, he left no one in sadder shape than when he first spoke with them. It is not our place to judge; it is our place to uplift. Everyone.
Take some time this week to enjoy the goodness of life. And then pass it along.
Sister G.P.

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